Identity Theft Protection

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Every 3 Seconds, someone becomes a victim of identity theft. If you haven’t had your identity stolen, you probably know someone who has. Identity theft occurs when someone steals your personal information and uses it without your knowledge to commit fraud or other crimes. It’s a growing problem, affecting 11.1 million adults in the United States just last year, according to a survey by Javelin Strategy & Research.

Identity theft is the fastest growing crime in the U.S. It has been listed as the #1 consumer complaint for 12 consecutive years. The crime can be devastating, and is often costly and time-consuming to resolve.

Help prevent from being a victim of Identity Theft and learn how IdentityForce can not only help prevent but also restore your identity should you join the growing number of victims across the country! Click on the link below to review the plan benefits and coverage.

Click on the links below to review the Identity Theft plan benefits and coverage.