(833) 688.8650

Tax Sheltered Annuities

Who Is Eligible?

You are eligible to participate in the plan if you are a full-time or part-time employee of USD #232. 

Enrolling in the Plan

When can I enroll?  You can enroll in the plan at anytime.

How do I enroll?  To enroll, you will need to contact any one of our three board approved TSA providers listed on the sidebar.

Contributions to the Plan

How much can I contribute to the plan?  The IRS limits the annual contributions you can make to a 403(b) plan.  For 2019, the limit is $19,000 for participants under age 50 and $25,000 for those who become 50 or older during the calendar year.

What type of contributions can I make to the plan?  The plan accepts pre-tax salary deferral contributions.

How can I change the amount of my contributions or stop contributions to the plan? You can make a change or stop your contributions at any time. You will need to contact your Benefits Coordinator via email and the change will take effect on the next available payroll period after the change is processed.

For More Information:  If you have any questions about your plan, please contact your specific TSA provider and/or click HERE for more information.