

No one wants to experience a cancer diagnosis, but the fact is that the risk of getting cancer is great. In the United States, men have slightly less than a one in two lifetime risk of developing cancer; for women, the risk is a little more than one in three (Cancer Facts and Figures 2012, American Cancer Society). Our cancer/specified-disease insurance policy is designed to provide you with cash benefits during covered cancer treatments.

A supplemental cancer/specified-disease insurance policy can also help protect your income and savings from expenses that aren’t covered by your major medical coverage, including:

  • Out-of-pocket medical expenses
  • Out-of-network specialists
  • Experimental cancer treatment
  • Travel and lodging when treatment is far from home
  • Out-of-network specialists
  • Drug trials and special diet needs

While you can’t always predict the future, we believe it’s good to be prepared. Our cancer/specified-disease insurance is here to help you and your family better cope financially—and emotionally—if a positive diagnosis of cancer ever occurs. That way you can worry less about what may be lying ahead.

Cancer Plan Highlights and Wellness Claim Form

Cancer Plan Highlights

Cancer Wellness Claim Form